Luis Alvarez was appointed CEO of BT Global Services in October 2012. He reports to the CEO of BT Group.

Global Services is a global leader in managed networked IT services, serving around 6,500 large corporate and public sector customers in over 170 countries worldwide, including 98 per cent of the FTSE 100 and 82 percent of the Fortune 500. It’s a £6.5bn business.

Since his appointment as CEO, Luis has led a significant transformation, further consolidating our position as a global leader. Industry analyst Gartner recently rated Global Services a leader in their Global Network Services Magic Quadrant for the eleventh time.

Luis joined BT in April 1999 as multimedia and internet director, then as the country manager for BT’s Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American operations. In 2007, he became president of BT in Europe, Middle East and Africa and Latin America, orchestrating plans for quick and profitable growth and serving some of our biggest global customers. He ran BT’s Global Telecom Markets unit, managing business with carriers and operators outside the UK. He also created BT Advise, our professional services team that delivers consulting, systems integration and managed services around the world.

Prior to BT, Luis worked at Ericsson and IBM. In 1987 he joined Grupo Santander, where he worked in several management positions in IT, before going on to become director of Electronic Banking at Banesto.

He has won many awards, including one from ComputerWorld recognizing his international career, and a “Manager of the year” award from Directivo Plus. The Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers named him Engineer of the Year in 2009 and ESIC recently recognized his career and professional achievements.

Luis has a telecommunications engineering degree from UPM, Madrid, and continued his education at ESADE, IMD and Tuck University.

A member of a number of business associations, Luis is often called upon to speak at ICT sector international conferences and forums, including World Economic Forum events. He is very active in BT’s global sustainability work, sponsoring several highly respected corporate social responsibility initiatives in Spain, Brazil and Colombia.

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