the mind4 series: on being a strategic leader deborah lee james

In this episode, on being a strategic leader, Jane-Scott interviews Deborah Lee James, 23rd Secretary of the Air Force. Jane-Scott explores the role of the secretary of the air force (part 1) and the lessons learned from indelible memories and cool experiences (part 3). Jane-Scott and Deborah discuss talent as “the #1 thing” and winning the war for talent (part 2), becoming a strategic leader through zigs and zags (part 4) and finally some words of advice for up and coming leaders (part 5).
the mind4 series: on bringing the future to reality

In this episode, on bringing the future to reality, Jane-Scott interviews fellow GCA Member Phil Fasano, former CIO of Kaiser Permanente and AIG. Jane-Scott explores the necessity for all C-Suite members and change leaders to have strong understanding and experiences in technology – regardless of their core function (part 1), how technology defines real-time personalized healthcare (part 2), how financial services behemoths adopt and adapt to disruptive technologies (part 3). She determines the viability of new technologies in a lightning round of Real – Not Real (part 4) and dispels the rumor that entrepreneurship does not exist in corporations (part 5).
the mind4 series: on getting it: people are the advantage

In this episode, on getting it, people are the competitive advantage, Jane-Scott interviews fellow GCA Game Changer Curt Gray, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Administration, BAE Systems, Inc. Jane-Scott explores Curt’s exceptional career from a serendipitous beginning to becoming one of the true strategic chief human resource officers (part 1), how human capital strategies should be the anchor and driver of corporate strategy (part 2), how to implement predictive analytics (spoiler: “pick one critical skill to start” and adopt a mindset of “what will make your business work”) (part 3), adopting an integrated leadership approach to M&A strategies based on lessons learned from 28 acquisitions (part 4), and best practices for anticipating and planning for the impact that a new CEO has on an organization, its strategy and its culture (part 5).